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Could you be Allergic to your House?

Dr Helen Webberley

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) The University of Birmingham. Medical Director The Online Surgery

No matter how careful you think you are when it comes to keeping your house clean and dust-free, there are breeding sites for allergns that are commonly missed. Allergy causing hosts such as dust mites, moulds and pet dander are present everywhere, responsible for a number of allergic conditions such as perennial allergic rhinitis, asthma or home fever. It is estimated that at least 12 million people in the UK are allergic to their own home and could be household allergy sufferers. It is therefore important to be well aware of household items that could hide allergens and take avoidance measures to reduce symptoms and aid management. Runny nose, excessive sneezing, rashes, itchiness, congestion, hives or even mild fever are some common symptoms of allergies.

Have a look at a few top germ-breeding items in your home.

Computer Keyboards

Research shows, computer keyboards can be filthier than toilets. Considering how often we come in contact with them, it comes as little surprise that the keys and spaces in between are a convenient haven for dust, dander, chemicals etc. In fact, keyboards are found so dirty, they can cause allergies, food poisoning and even other illnesses. You are advised to frequently wipe your keyboard with alcohol wipes to to get rid of any irritant.

Bathroom Towels

Bath towels are one of the most germ ridden items within your home. Due to constant touch with water, the towels remain moist and become the perfect breeding ground for mould. To keep your bathroom towels clean, ensure each member of the family has his/her own, always wash the towels at 60°c or higher at least once a week, and make sure to ventilate dry them after every use to get rid of spores.


Mould loves refrigerators as they provide an optimal temperature for breeding. In order to reduce mould and bacteria growth, you should clean the tray under the fridge with bleach and salt. Clean out the refrigerators every week or two, using a mild solution of bleach and water, wipe up excessive moisture and clean or replace mouldy rubber seals around its doors. Following a proper cleaning schedule will help reduce the chances for asthma or an allergy attack.


Avoid pieces of furniture made from chipboard or wood as these may contain formaldehyde – a chemical that can emit a colourless gas that irritates the airways. You may buy solid wood furniture if possible. You can also consider replacing upholstered sofas and chairs with furniture made of leather, wood, metal or plastic materials.


Pets can be your best friends, but if you suffer from allergies or asthma, the company of a pet can make your condition worse. Pets shed dander, a combination of dead skin cells and hair (or feathers), which can trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions in some people. Pets also carry outdoor allergens back inside the house in their coats. You can help by keeping your pets out of your bedroom, and bathing them more often, as it may reduce the amount of allergens in the dander they shed, and wipe them down after long walks.

Allergens like dust mites, moulds, cleaning products and pets are present in homes all year round, hitting sufferers any time. As most common symptoms of an indoor allergy is a runny nose and sneezing, often people confuse it with a common cold or flu, and don’t treat the cause of the allergic reactions. While there is no cure for home fever, being aware of breeding spots and ways to keep your house clean, can help you take precautionary measures and fight off allergies in your own home.

At The Online Surgery, our expert team can talk to you about your symptoms, arrange for diagnostic tests if required and advise on a wide variety of treatment options such as inhalers, rescue packs and antihistamines, delivered to your doorstep at your convenience!

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