
Elocon Cream belongs to a medicinal group known as topical corticosteroids. This cream is generally termed as potent corticosteroid. It is a popular form of treatment generally used to lighten the itchiness and redness that is caused by different types of skin diseases. It helps in reducing the affects of the skin diseases like dermatitis or psoriasis. Thus, elevates the exasperation and irritation caused.

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Elocon 30 g Pack of 1 £ 20.00 Add to Basket

Elocon is an affective topical corticosteroid which is used to treat the patients suffering from skin problems known as Dermatitis and psoriasis. Psoriasis is a form of skin illness in which the affected skin of the patient gets scaly, itchy with pink patches. It usually develops on the patient’s knees, elbows, scalps and other body parts. Dermatitis is another skin condition that is developed by an outside agent for example, detergents. Such agents can make the skin itchy and red. With elocon, one can easily reduce the affect of these types of skin problems, thereby reducing the exasperation and irritation in the patients. http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/PIL.19931.latest.pdf

- Allergic reactions on skin, bacterial & secondary form of infections on skin - Acne - Dilated blood vessels - Infection & inflammation of hair follicles - Dermatitis around your mouth, thinning of skin, irritation - Red marks - Dry skin - Change in color of skin - Stretch marks - Hair growth - Burning sensation If you notice any other type of side effect, then do see a nurse or a physician immediately.

Always apply this ointment, as instructed by your physician. If you have any doubt in your mind, go and talk to a doctor or a pharmacist. This ointment is not recommended for children below the age of 2 years, as their skin is thinner and sensitive than the adult’s skin. In children, very little elocon should be gently rubbed on the affected portion, once every day. Do not use elocon for more than five days in adults and for kids don’t use it for more than 5 days of any of their body parts. Don’t place the cream on the baby’s nappy because the active drug will then pass easily through the child’s skin and can lead to unwanted damages. Do talk to your doctor if you are thinking to cover the affected areas with a bandage. The treated portions in kids or on faces shouldn’t be covered with anything. Do not use high quantity over a large body part for a longer period of time. Don’t use the cream around your eyes and eye-lids. Accidentally, you have swallowed elocon then it won’t create any issues, still if you aren’t certain talk to the doctor. Don’t use the cream more than told by your doctor as it can affect the hormones which can cause damage to development and growth in your body.

One must not use this ointment if they are hypersensitive to any of its ingredients, as it can worsen the skin problems. Do not use Elocon for any other skin problem apart from the ones for which the doctor has prescribed it for you. It doesn’t works for skin problems like rosacea, acne, cold sores, chickenpox, thinning of skin, etc. If you feel any type of irritation after applying this ointment, report to your doctor. Pregnant and breast feeding ladies shouldn’t be using it without talking to a physician. The ointment is gently rubbed on the affected area. Rubbing allows the affected skin to absorb the medicine and thereby helps in healing it. You doctor will monitor your progress with the medication regular. If the medication doesn’t work, then he will change prescription or increase the dose, as needed.

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