
Hydrocortisone cream belongs to a group of medicines called topical corticosteroids. This cream is meant for external application and is used to reduce the inflammation, redness and itching associated with certain types of skin conditions and reactions.

Hydrocortisone is prescribed to provide relief in case of dermatitis, eczema, nappy rash, insect bite reaction, neurodermatoses and inflammation of the external ear. This medicine, which is suitable for use in infants, children and adults, is available at The Online Surgery.

Name Type Pack Size/Course Price
Hydrocortisone 30 g Pack of 1 £ 10.00 Add to Basket

Hydrocortisone is a topical corticosteroid prescribed to calm the inflammation, redness and itching caused by different types of skin conditions and reactions. Hydrocortisone is suitable for patients suffering from eczema, dermatitis, insect bite, nappy rash, thickened skin due to scratching (neurodermatoses), inflammation of the external ear and the appearance of itchy lumps (prurigo nodularis). Do not apply hydrocortisone if you are allergic to it or any other ingredients in the cream. In addition, its application should be avoided in case of scabies, flushing of skin on the face and dermatitis around the mouth. Prior information to the GP should be provided in case you are suffering from any other skin condition caused by an infection such as herpes, ringworm and chickenpox. Long term use of hydrocortisone should be avoided in children. In addition, psoriasis patients should inform their GP prior to using the cream. Hydrocortisone cream contains cetostearyl alcohol, which might produce local skin reactions and dermatitis in rare cases. In addition, it also contains chloroscresol as an ingredient which may cause allergic reaction in some cases. Women who are breastfeeding, pregnant or planning to get pregnant should inform their GP about their condition before starting to use the cream.

People allergic to hydrocortisone or any other ingredients contained in the cream may suffer from some common side effects. However, these side effects do not affect all patients. In case you observe swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, stop using Hydrocortisone immediately and contact the GP. In addition, you may experience a change in skin color or localised irritation or rash on the skin as a result of one of the ingredients in the cream Excessive application of hydrocortisone may result in skin thinning. This could be particularly dangerous in the case of infants and children wherein the active ingredient may permeate through the sensitive skin and affect other parts of the body. In extremely rare cases, some patients may experience difficulty in breathing or swallowing following the application of Hydrocortisone. The use of the cream should be stopped under such cases and immediate medical attention should be taken. A communication with the GP must be established in case you experience any side effects following the application of the cream.

Hydrocortisone should be applied exactly as prescribed by the GP. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before the application of the cream. Prefer wearing gloves in case you are applying the cream to someone else and thoroughly wash your hands after application. The adults should apply a thin layer of the cream to the affected areas on the body two to three times a day or as prescribed by the GP. A thin layer of cream is supposed to be applied in case of children and infants as well, however, its use should be limited to five to seven days at a time. The cream should not be used more often or for longer duration of time than what GP prescribed you to. Frequent use of large quantities of the cream may result in side effects. However, so not worry if you apply a greater amount accidentally at a few occasions. Keep the cream out of the reach of children and infants. Contact the GP immediately if a child accidentally swallows the cream. Swallowing a small amount of cream accidentally is generally not harmful to adults. In case of missed dosage, apply the cream as soon as you remember.

Hydrocortisone works by reducing the skin inflammation and the other symptoms associated with it such as redness, swelling, itching and irritation. This topical corticosteroid inhibits a series of inflammatory events by getting absorbed into the affected skin. Hydrocortisone primarily targets the immune system to cease the production of chemicals and elements that cause inflammation at the primary site of the reaction. The decreased function of the immune system, thus helps reduce the redness, swelling, itching and irritation associated with skin inflammation. Storing hydrocortisone below 25 degrees Celsius or at freezing temperature may reduce the effectiveness of its action against inflammation. Hydrocortisone is effective for use in infants, children and adults. However, it should never be used more often or in greater amount that what your GP prescribes. At a stretch, hydrocortisone should not be applied for more than five to seven days in case of infants and children.

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