
Noriday is an oral contraceptive pill (‘POP’) containing only a progestogen. It is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains an active ingredient called norethisterone, which helps in stopping you from getting pregnant.

You should talk to your doctor before starting the course. You need to know the risks if you are obese or have a history of pre-eclampsia. Your doctor will prescribe you a suitable dose if you are over 35 years of age.

Name Type Pack Size/Course Price
Noriday 350mcg Pack of 84 , 3 Month Course £ 19.00 Add to Basket

Noriday is a progestogen-only (norethisterone) contraceptive pill, also known as ‘POP’. It has only a progestogen, unlike the other contraceptive pills which have both oestrogen and progestogen. It helps women in preventing pregnancy by reducing the chances of conception.

Do not use the strip after its expiry date. Protect the pills from light and store in a cool and dry place. Store the pills away from children.

Do not use Noriday if you have had an allergic reaction to norethisterone or any of the ingredients that this pill has in it. If you think you are pregnant, you may not need this pill. You should inform your doctor about your medical condition, if any, in advance. You should talk to your doctor if you had epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, gallstones, diabetes (family history), depression, liver disease, or asthma.

You should also inform your doctor if you are using contact lenses.

Noriday has side effects like any other medicine. You should stop taking this medicine immediately if you get jaundice.

You should take your doctor’s advice if you notice any of these side effects:
- Abrupt and severe chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Unusually long headache
- Visual disturbances
- Fainting
- Numbness or weakness in any part of the body
- Severe pain in calf muscles

Always check for symptoms of clotting (thrombosis) when you are on the pill.

Noriday may also cause other side effects such as:
- Gastric disturbances
- Weight changes
- Breast swelling or soreness
- Libido changes
- Migraine
- Gallstones
- Tiredness/fatigue
- Nervousness
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Rash
- Appetite disturbances

Noriday, just like any other contraceptive pill, carries a higher risk of breast cancer in women who take it.

You should take Noriday on the first day of your period (bleeding starts on this day). Take one pill with water every day, preferably at the same time each time you take the pill. You should start the next pack as soon as you finish your first pack. There are no breaks in between packs. An extra contraception is required during the first seven days of the first pack.

If you forget your pill and it is more than 3 hours, you are at high risk of getting pregnant. You should take the pill whenever you remember it and take the next pill at its own time. This is a double dose. You should continue to take the remaining pills as per schedule.

When using Noriday, you may miss a period. As long as you take all the pills as instructed, there is no chance of pregnancy. If you miss your second period, you should talk to your doctor immediately.

If you take a double dose or reasonably low overdose, you may notice some symptoms like nausea, vaginal bleeding, and breast enlargement.

If you or someone you know takes an overdose (too many pills at a time), meet your doctor immediately.

Do not use this pill if you have a history of blood clots in the past. If you are scheduled to undergo a surgery, you should not take this medicine at all.

If you want to get pregnant, you should wait until your normal menstrual cycle returns. It is preferred that you should avoid taking Noriday at least for three months before trying to conceive.

Noriday contains a progestogen (350 mcg of norethisterone) which prevents pregnancy in any of the three ways –by thickening the cervical mucus, thus preventing the sperm from entering the uterus; by preventing the release of the egg from the ovaries; and by reducing the nourishing quality of the endometrium making it unsuitable for the growth of the egg.

Noriday should be used correctly as told by your doctor. Noriday cannot prevent HIV and STDs.

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