Diarrhoea Test Online

1.7 to 5 billion cases of diarrhoea occur every year. Diarrhoea frequest loose stools, usually caused due to infection in the bowels. It usually can last a few days and causes deydration. It is recommended to take lots of fluids and salts.

At TheOnlineSurgery we provide the Stool Culture Test, to detect all kinds of infections that could have caused diarrohea. You need to take a stool sample and which can be then checked for the infections.

You can order Diarrhoea Test here at TheOnlineSurgery.

Diarrhoea Blood and Stool Test


Stool Culture


A stool culture is a laboratory test used to determine the type of bacteria present in your digestive tract. This can help to determine the cause for digestive disorders such as Diarrhoea.

Test Type - Random faeces

What is Diarrhoea?

Waste in our body is pushed to the large intestine where water is absorbed from it, resulting in firm, moist and easy to pass faeces. However with diarrhoea stools are loose, watery and unformed, and are passed more frequently than normal. It is a commonly experienced condition, affecting people from time to time. While it can be quite distressing and unplesant it is usually nothing serious to worry about.

Diarrhoea can be acute, lasting for a few days and passing on its own, or it could be chronic, lasting more than two weeks and requiring medical care to treat its symptoms and underlying causes.

Diarrhoea is most commonly caused due to infection of the intestines, which hinders the absorption of water. Chronic diarrhoea usually comes about due to a range of conditions that may affect the intestines.

Passing frequent loose, watery stools in the primary symptoms of having diarrhoea. Other associated symptoms vary from person to person depending on the cause. These include;

- Stomach cramp

- Urgency to pass stool

- Nausea and vomiting

- Headache

- Loss of appetite

- Dehydration

- Tiredness

- Dizziness

- A rapid heartbeat

While most people experience acute diarrhoeal symptoms, which usually self-resolve, one might experience more serious symptoms requiring attention, such as;

- Blood or pus in the faeces

- Reduced or absent urination

- Temperature higher than 38c

These symptoms might indicate more serious underlying conditions such as kidney or heart failure.

Digestive disorders have become increasingly prevalent, with people frequently facing problems with passing normal stools, causing mild to severe symptoms. Diarrhoea is extremely common and can be caused due to underlying conditions or an infection, some more serious than others. It is therefore important to diagnose the cause of your symptoms and treat it in time, before it accelerates.

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